
ROM Utrecht Region disclaimer

We are delighted you are taking the time to read our disclaimer. When you’re done here, be sure to browse around to discover the many interesting opportunities Utrecht Region has to offer.

ROM Regio Utrecht BV is registered at the Chamber of Commerce under number 781717. As ROM Utrecht Region, we grant you access to www.romutrechtregion.nl.

On this website, we will publish texts, images and other material provided by ROM Utrecht Region and partner organisations. This content is concerned with general information about ROM Utrecht Region, our activities and our partner organisations.

We reserve the right to modify content and alter or remove elements of this website without notification. The information we share is meant to provide an overview of business and lifestyle in Utrecht Region, it is not intended as direct consultancy. As such, ROM Utrecht Region can never be held liable for consequences in the use of the information on the website.

Some links on this website lead to third parties, we don’t control the information they supply on their pages. ROM Utrecht Region cannot guarantee the accuracy of content published by third parties. Just because we link to certain parties does not automatically mean we endorse their publications.

All content on this website is protected by copyright. For questions or requests for permission to use or publish our content or to use the ROM logo, please contact us at info@romutrechtregion.nl before publication. We reserve the right to refuse permission of publication.