8 Reasons Why Hilversum is A Springboard for International Digital Media Innovation

Since the first radio transmission towers were located in Hilversum in the early 1920’s, Hilversum has been the main media hub in the Netherlands. As new media like television emerged, the media companies kept up pace and changed their focus. In 1961 Hilversum designated a plot of land to concentrate all national television broadcasters; The Media Park Hilversum. The Netherlands, ranking high on the digital innovation index, continues to push the boundaries of media transformation. Discover why Hilversum is an ideal springboard for digital media innovation.

29 July 2024 4 minutes

#1 High Concentration of Media Production and Broadcasters

At the heart of Hilversum lies the Media Park, where most of the Dutch media is being produced. At the Media Park you find a high concentration of media production companies, facilitators, broadcasters, and media related businesses. This media ecosystem includes all parts of the value chain; facilitators, studios, creators, AI experts, technicians, educational institutions, digital infrastructure and back-up energy supply. Moreover, this comprehensive media hub promotes collaboration through events, informal meet-ups and fieldlabs for innovation.

#2 Skilled Workforce: From Young Talent to Upscaling

Hilversum benefits from a highly skilled and multilingual workforce, with a strong focus on media, technology, and creative industries. This is thanks to the Netherlands’ top-ranked education system and the near presence of large media companies like Netflix, NEP, RTL and Media.Monks, which attract talent from around the world. To keep up with new technologies, media companies collaborate with educational institutes to upscale their workforce in immersive technology through programs like OASIS.

#3 High levels of creativity and productivity

The Hilversum Media Park has long been recognized as a frontrunner in broadcast technology. This is mainly thanks to the location’s combination of creativity and efficiency. “There are a relatively large number of creative talents in this market, which is why the Dutch make and export unique TV formats. Since these formats need to be made for a small Dutch-speaking language area, it has to be at a price that is sometimes unrealistic but is customary for this market.  As a result, it simply works very well in the Netherlands.”

#4 Collaboration with Research Institutions

Hilversum offers ample opportunities for collaboration with renowned Dutch research institutions and universities, such as the University of Amsterdam, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, the University of Utrecht, and Breda University of Applied Sciences and the Utrecht School of Art. The Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision, located at the Mediapark has one of the biggest Media Archives worldwide and employs a few dozen researchers. The research institute  is a regular partner in EU funded studies on media, data, and technology, further strengthening the innovation ecosystem.

#5 Early adapters and focus on Emerging Technologies

Hilversum’s media cluster is at the forefront of embracing emerging technologies such as immersive content, augmented reality, generative artificial intelligence, and virtual production. Broadcasters are constantly testing new ways to engage their audiences through games, apps, and live streaming on social media platforms. Being part of this innovative ecosystem helps companies stay ahead of the curve.

#6 Attractive Business Climate and Incentives

The Dutch government provides robust support for R&D activities, including tax incentives like the Innovation Box and R&D tax credit. International talent is easy to attract with competitive salaries thanks to the 30% tax ruling. Additionally, there are sector specific programs and grants aimed at supporting the creative sector and more specific the media industry. For example the CIIIC program that marks € 102,3 miljon to boost new use cases by frontrunners in immersive technology (Source: https://www.ciiic.nl/).

#7 Strong Digital Infrastructure

The Netherlands boasts a world-class digital infrastructure, featuring high-speed internet, extensive fiber-optic networks, and state-of-the-art data centers. The Media Gateway in Hilversum is an example of the advanced infrastructure that digital media companies need to thrive.

#8 Quality of Life

Hilversum offers an exceptional quality of life, with a safe and family-friendly environment, a green city centre, access to nature, great connections with nearby cities Amsterdam and Utrecht, excellent (international) education and healthcare facilities, and a vibrant cultural scene. This combination makes Hilversum an attractive destination for both employees and their families.

Collaboration in the Utrecht region

In conclusion, Hilversum’s unique blend of a thriving media sector, skilled workforce, research institutions, government support, strong digital infrastructure, focus on emerging technologies, and high quality of life make it an ideal springboard for international digital media innovation. Discover the opportunities that await your business in Hilversum and join our dynamic media ecosystem: New Digital Society.

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