Step into Utrecht Region

Explore the area, discover our key sectors and see how we can help.

Why Utrecht Region?

Discover the benefits for your business.

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Key sectors

Become part of one of our thriving ecosystems.

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Our services

Reach out to our team and see what we can do for you.

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Boost your business growth in Utrecht Region!

Our Team International is the gateway for international companies who want to set up and grow in Utrecht Region. Acting as your go-to team, we strategically assist and support your business relocation journey.

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Why Utrecht Region?

Discover the competitive business climate in Utrecht Region, the Netherlands. More than 1,000 international businesses chose this region as their European home. Will you be next?

About our region


Key sectors

Utrecht Region is a frontrunner in life sciences and health, digital media and sustainability. Our thriving economy focuses on smart solutions, green policies, innovation and health. Learn more about the business opportunities in your organisation’s key sector or sectors.

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Our services

Keeping ahead of the curve starts with expanding to the right location. Our Team International, together with the Netherlands Foreign Investment Agency (NFIA), provides a gateway to this region. All our services are free of charge, confidential and tailored to fit your needs. Find out what customised services we offer to give your business expansion a head start.

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Stay in touch

Our dedicated business advisors from Team International would be happy to help you relocate your business here, centrally located in the Netherlands. We are always delighted to present the region’s business opportunities and aim to deliver support that matches your commitment to international growth.


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Success stories

“The innovation ecosystem at Utrecht Science Park in Utrecht Region is a wonderful place for a biotech company to have an innovative R&D base."

Jan van de Winkel

CEO Genmab

“We have made our rapid expansion possible by collaborating with local municipalities and the transportation sector. In addition, the NFIA, BOM and ROM Utrecht Region have actively helped us with settling in the Netherlands.”

Jesper Vis

General Manager Benelux TIER Mobility

“From Hilversum in Utrecht Region, the Amsterdam Internet Exchange (AMS-IX) right on the doorstep, providing one of the largest data-transport hubs in the world. This area has exceptional digital connectivity for bandwidth-hungry businesses.”

Paul Kievit

President NEC Enterprise Solutions

“This region offers our employees a green living and working environment, which is also very easily accessible. And above that, the many facilities ensure us that Amersfoort is the ideal location for our European headquarters.”

Peter Roodenburg

Managing Director Yokogawa

"Our choice to establish our company in Utrecht, the Netherlands, strategically positions us at the hub of Europe, enabling us to expand our business and establish strategic partnerships."

Instant Nanobiosensors


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8 Reasons Why Hilversum is A Springboard for International Digital Media Innovation

These are eight reasons why you should come and visit Hilversum (Utrecht Region) to find out what the ...

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Utrecht University is revolutionizing life sciences education

At Utrecht University, students can now explore every layer of a rat's anatomy through holograms, practice taking blood ...

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With Eddy Grid, companies no longer have to think about grid congestion

The Netherlands is one of the fastest adaptors to the green economy. That means we hit on problems ...

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How Fynch will move 10 million people greener and healthier

CIIIC is a groundbreaking initiative aimed at propelling the Dutch creative sector to new heights, particularly in the ...

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The Creative Industries Immersive Impact Coalition: A Catalyst for Growth in the Dutch Creative Sector and Hilversum and Utrecht

CIIIC is a groundbreaking initiative aimed at propelling the Dutch creative sector to new heights, particularly in the ...

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HoloMoves: Using Mixed Reality and Game design to improve rehabilitation care

HoloMoves’ Mixed Reality glasses relieves healthcare professionals and intensifies patients’ rehabilitation trajectories.

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Bilthoven Biologicals vaccines saving lives

Biologicals located at the Utrecht Science Park Bilthoven has been central to bringing vaccines to the world and ...

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Audiokinetic Expands to Hilversum, the Netherlands: A Conversation with CEO Martin H. Klein

During the Dutch Media Week, we had the privilege of speaking with Martin H. Klein, the CEO of ...

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NanoCell Therapeutics: U.S. Biotech’s Strategic Expansion into the Utrecht Innovation Landscape

In an interview, Maurits Geerlings, NanoCell's President & CEO, details the strategic expansion of this U.S.-based company ...

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